The report file name will be extended with each scheduled time stamp as an affix when it is delivered to "Directory".
The report file will be overwritten with the latest generated report when the delivery option "File" is requested.
A Forensics scheduled report can be created as CSV, HTML or PDF format report.
A Multiview scheduled report currently only supports CSV and PDF format.

Reports can be designated as "Private", "Public" or "Shared".
The delivered report can only be browsed by the owner or administrator if its shared attribute is "Private".
"Private" reports are sent to each "owner" directory under "/ReportRoot/Local Server" directory. The owner can also browse "Shared" or "Public" reports.
"Shared" reports are available to any logged in user.
"Public" reports can be seen without log in if the url is provided.
Clicking on the directory name can list all files and/or sub-directories.

The report file name for each schedule generated is extended with a time stamp affix, and is archived under each defined report directory. Clicking on the report file name allows the report to be browsed or downloaded.

Clicking on the "Search" button and filling in part of a file name enables all matched reports to be found. Results will be populated after the "Confirm" button has been clicked.

Clicking on the "Delete All" button or ticking the checkbox under "Delete" column will delete reports after "Confirm" has been clicked.

Clicking on the double dots ".." on the top of the page allows you to move up to the parent directory.

Any user can browse the "shared" and "public" directory reports. "Shared" reports are available to any logged in user. "Public" reports can be seen without log in if the url is provided.

If a report file name does not have a time stamp affix a newly generated report will overwrite the previous report.