v3.5.6r3 - Windows Install- Cant connect to Database

v3.5.6r3 - Windows Install- Cant connect to Database

Q: I install but my screen says that it cant connect to database

A1: Uninstall the CySight component only and reinstall CySight.

Check your C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\data directory if digitoll folder does not exist then uninstall just the CySight component. Leave Apache Tomcat and MySQL on the system and then rerun the installation package.

Other issues that could cause this to occur

A2: If MySQL was previously installed the CySight "digitoll" database cannot be created in this event due to permissions.

Uninstall MySQL and reinstall the CySight package.

A3: Your Apache Tomcat or MySQL or CySight services are simply not running. Check those services.

Your system may have firewall or antispyware software running that prevents the CySight services from starting. Check that DigiTollMonitor, DigiTollServer, Apache Tomcat and MySQL exist as services and are all running,

The DigiTollServer process is started by DigiTollMonitor and is preferable that it is started by DigiTollMonitor.

- Patch due 7 June 2008